Adoption Links
A quote that acknowledges mothers are being deceived and conned out of their sons and daughters:
PURELY AMERICAN: LAWS, LIES AND LOVE, Dr. D. William Troxler, Capital College, 2000
"The giver is called the birth mother or biological mother or natural mother. These terms cloud the
fact that a mother who 'gave up' her child was authoritatively deceived at a vulnerable moment by her entire support system
and the professionals who were supposed to serve her."
Following is a list of links to other adoption-related web sites and pages.
Open Adoption "Birthmother" Help
Open Adoption Parenting Alternatives
Dear Birthmother Letters
Dear Birthmom - Is Adoption Worth the Grief?
Birthmothers Day
Open Adoption 'Options'
Adoption vs. Abortion
Following are some additional websites telling of the history of adoption and effects of separating moms and babies to
get babies for adoption:
Babies for Adoption - BEBA
Adoption "Birthmom" Adoptee Support - Origins Canada
Adoption "Birthmom" Support - OriginsUSA
Adoption Activists
Adoption Adoptee "Birthmother" Support Group, Search, Chat - Adoption
Adoption Alternatives Blog
Real Family Blog
Dear Birthmother Blog
Adoption and the Inherent Disrespect for Mothers Used as a Source of Babies
Mothers Adopting Back Their Adopted-Out Children
Adoptee Adoption Insights
Adoption Quote:
"For adoptive couples, adoption is wonderful. For the natural mothers and families of adoptees, adoptees themselves and their progeny, adoption is profoundly painful. ...
"No matter how much they want and can love a child, most adopters are blind to the child’s pain of separation. This
does not make for good parents. Think, for a moment, how you would feel if you were expected to join in the "celebration"
as everyone dances on your mother's grave." Julie A. Rist, adoptee - "Is the U.S. Promoting Pain?"